Police Transition

Match your police training, knowledge and skills to Nationally Recognised Qualifications!


Although most commonly used for the military, the term transition is becoming more commonly associated with police when they separate from service. Transitioning from any career can be challenging, but transitioning from the police into a civilian environment is surprisingly difficult.

One of the difficulties is making a transition from police service to civilian employment within the community that you were previously tasked with policing. This creates challenges when your skills and knowledge remain the same, but your powers to act have changed. This creates a new world to function in that no longer resembles the civilian environment you were in prior to entering police service.

One of the important steps in police transition is to ensure that your skills and knowledge from your time in policing are recognised. CLET affords you the opportunity to do this through our free RPL assessment process. This ensures that you have access to recognition of your existing skills and knowledge against nationally recognised qualifications which will make it easier to demonstrate to civilian employers what you bring to their organisation. It makes you more competitive and helps you explain your own capabilities.

Policing is unique and often rewarding occupation that requires a wide range of skills to perform the required tasks on a daily basis. From general duties to any number of specialty areas, policing consistently involves skills such as report writing, interviewing, ensuring public safety, mediation and negotiation, risk management, work health and safety, investigation, community service, training, crime prevention and much more. With combined policing experience, the trainers and assessors that make up the CLET Police RPL Team are committed to ensuring that the employment experience of current and former police officers from Australia and around the world is potentially recognised through a fair and valid assessment process.

The CLET Police RPL Team is lead by Dr Kate Martin who is a leading expert in the transition experiences for police in their post-service environment. She heads a solid team of experienced individuals with shared higher education qualifications in Law, Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, Strategic Security and International Security, Disaster and Emergency Response, Psychology, Investigations, and Business together with vocational qualifications in WHS, Business, Leadership, Program Management, Security Risk Management, and Investigations.

The CLET Police RPL Team is in constant contact with industry, both within and outside of service, to ensure that the most current information is available for former and current police during the RPL assessment process. This ensures that the best possible outcomes are reached at all times.

Whilst RPL and the work of CLET will not take away all the pain of transitioning, it will go a long way to supporting the process and contributing to access to resources that will smooth the way to re-employment.

You can trust the CLET Police RPL Team to understand and interpret your experience and assess it against an extensive range of qualifications. Take this opportunity to have your skills assessed against qualifications that are recognised across all employment sectors.

What can I use a CLET qualification for?

  • Promotion within or across police organisations
  • Enhance your eligibility for movement into specialist areas within police organisations
  • Make yourself a more attractive candidate for employment outside of policing
  • Pursue opportunities for employment in a massive range of areas including local, national and international
  • Know with certainty that your years of hard work and experience have not gone unnoticed

Learn more about the power of holding a CLET Training's Nationally Recognised Qualification.

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