Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

A valuable qualification for those with experience in organisational learning.


The CLET BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning) is offered for RPL for those within and outside service who have experience in organisational learning. The Graduate Diploma level demands extensive experience in the space, but the CLET RPL Team is equipped to help guide you through the process.

You can apply online for RPL for this qualification or you can contact the CLET team to discuss whether this is an option for you.

As a guide, eligibility for RPL for this qualification is met by those who have skills and knowledge in the execution of organisational learning and capability development. This includes the ability to work in complex learning environments that demand full accountability for outcomes.

This qualification is of greatest benefit to those who wish to solidify existing experience in organisational learning or those seeking promotion or confirmation of roles in relevant organisations. This includes those working at high developmental and management levels in RTOs.

Australian Qualifications Framework
Australian Qualifications Framework
Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
Course Code: BSB80120
Application Completion Time: 28 days
Delivery Mode: RPL ONLY
Awards for RPL:
Graduate Diploma or
Statement of Attainment
GAP Training: No
Units Recognised: 8
Nationally Recognised Training:
Payment Plans: Yes
RPL Review and assessment can take a minimum of 28 days to complete
Core Units

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to improving organisational learning, and the quality of training and assessment products and services. It covers contributing to strategy formation; designing, developing and implementing an organisational learning strategy, and reviewing and improving overall organisational learning and development.

The unit applies to individuals working in an enterprise where learning is used to build capabilities and contribute to organisational strategies, business plans, goals and values.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse and lead organisational transformation and learning for strategic outcomes. It covers leading transformational practices, cultivating collaborative practices, completing ongoing professional development and providing strategic leadership in a dynamic context.

The unit applies to those who use cognitive and creative skills to review, critically analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge, in order to generate ideas and provide solutions to complex problems. They use communication skills to demonstrate their understanding of theoretical concepts and to transfer knowledge and ideas to others.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to initiate, and implement, practices that support the improvement of learning strategies in an organisational context. It includes:

evaluating ways to improve learning practice, managing and monitoring the means by which to improve learning, analysing, and advancing adoption of improved learning practice

methods for improving learning practice, including developing individual staff members from the perspective of the organisation’s needs and imperatives, and enhancing outcomes for learners and candidates.

It applies to leaders or managers who use research, theoretical analysis and professional investigation, to identify ways in which to implement learning practices that build organisational capabilities within a small to medium-sized organisation, or to a significant unit of activity in a large organisation.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Possible Electives

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to organisational performance development, through contribution to planning, development and coordination of performance development programs.

The unit applies to individuals who contribute to planning, developing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating organisational performance development. The program should develop and use tools that enhance learning. The program should be monitored and evaluated to ensure it explores and meets relevant stakeholder’s learning needs.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish collaborative partnerships and relationships with business and industry stakeholders. This unit covers communicating to influence others, cultivating new and existing partnerships, establishing positive collaborative relationships, leading the establishment of a partnership program and establishing reporting mechanisms.

The unit applies to people who use cognitive and creative skills to review, critically analyse and synthesise knowledge, in order to generate ideas and provide solutions to complex problems. They use communication skills to demonstrate their understanding of theoretical concepts and to transfer knowledge and ideas to others.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to generate, lead and sustain innovative organisational thinking and practice.

The unit applies to individuals who initiate and lead innovation in any industry or community context. Each organisation’s thinking and practice will be different depending on its core business, purpose, size, complexity and broader operating context.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead the development of high-level strategic plans that serve the vision and mission of an organisation. It addresses analysing the environment, identifying risks and opportunities, planning staffing requirements, succession planning, and establishing and monitoring financial and non-financial performance indicators. Leadership skills are applied in order to engage people with the organisation’s vision and goals and in developing and implementing the plan.

The unit applies to senior managers and business owners who use cognitive and creative skills to review, critically analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge, in order to generate ideas and provide solutions to complex problems. They use communication skills to demonstrate their understanding of theoretical concepts and to transfer knowledge and ideas to others.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage knowledge and information in the business unit to improve productivity and organisational efficiency, promote innovation and meet business unit goals.

Those undertaking this unit work autonomously, performing complex tasks in a range of familiar contexts.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State or Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

  • RTO Manager
  • RTO Director
  • Director of Learning
  • Manager of Organisational Development

RPL FEES - $3250 (Full RPL Fee)

Initial RPL Review: NO FEE (Free of charge) - This is conducted when RPL Application and evidence received.

PROCEED TO AWARD: $3250 - This fee is only due after initial review is completed, candidate then requests a full RPL assessment is conducted and decides to proceed to be awarded with the qualification. If candidate does not proceed to award, no fee is payable.

STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT - FEE adjusted accordingly. This occurs when initial review is conducted, candidate then requests a full RPL assessment and is awarded PARTIAL RPL for selected units.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available on all CLET qualifications. If you have completed formal or informal training and have knowledge, skills and employment experience in this area, you may apply for RPL.

You will be asked to provide evidence to support your application and the CLET RPL team will assist you through the RPL assessment process. Apply for RPL below to commence the process.

Apply for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)

After reading the information provided on this qualification page, if you then decide to apply to have your knowledge and skills recognised towards this and/or other qualifications, you may click on the RPL Assessment button and complete to commence the process.

Why CLET Training?


  • RPL team leader is Dr Kate Martin
  • Assessing service personnel since 2006
  • RPL assessors understand civilian requirements 
  • RPL assessors degree and industry qualified
  • Modern interactive online RPL application process
  • Apply online 365 days a year
  • Securely upload your workplace evidence online
  • RPL assessment is obligation free
  • Nationally Recognised Qualifications
  • Low fees and flexible payment plans

Why study with CLET?

  • Offering online gap training for experienced workers
  • Nationally Recognised Courses
  • Study 365 days a year
  • CLET's online system is called Study Cloud
  • Interactive online study and Assessments
  • Study resources available 24/7
  • No assessment due dates - study at your pace
  • Flexible payment plans
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  • Online/Phone and ZOOM Student Support

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Use this form and send us a message, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

OR call us: 1300 760 605

NOTE: For added security of your information, a security code will be sent to your mobile. When requested, enter this code and submit the form.
