General FAQs

CLET has a very easy online enrolment process!

Click on the Enrol Now button located on the course page you wish to enrol into, complete the enrolment form and follow the simple steps to setup your payment plan. You will then receive emails with a receipt for your deposit paid and course details and asked to provide a copy of your photo ID when you get to the enrolment confirmation page.

If you still need further assistance, you can contact us on 1300 760 605 during business hours or email anytime.


When considering if you enrol with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) such as CLET (RTO #31254), you can be confident that you are being trained by people who are willing to be regulated by the Federal Government and provide a professional organisation that is required to and dedicated to meet many legislative obligations under the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality Framework, and in addition answer to the regulator Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA):

The VET Quality Framework that we must comply with is comprised of the:

Along with meeting these legislative requirements under the VET Quality Framework, we must also:

Another advantage to studying with a RTO, is you will receive Nationally Recognised Qualifications that are transferrable between industries and recognised by Australian Universities.

If you wish to confirm an organisation is a RTO, it is a requirement for all RTO's to clearly display their RTO number on all advertising material. CLET's RTO number is 31254. You may also attend the Australian Governments Department of Employment, Skills Small and Family Business website to search for and confirm a RTO's registration. When you open the website click on the National Register of VET. 

CLICK HERE to open CLET's registration page.

Commonly referred to as CLET's learner cohort.

So who is a suitable CLET student?

If you wish to enrol and study with CLET you should have the following characteristics:

  • ability to access an up to date computer and good Internet
  • you have a microphone and webcam attached to your computer or have access to a tablet or mobile phone that you can use to participate in online meetings with CLET trainers if needed
  • enjoy using a computer or tablet and are happy to spend many hours studying using these devices
  • feel confident in performing the basic functions of Microsoft Office programs (MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint)
  • feel confident in your knowledge and skills of how to manage software for online learning
  • feel confident in using the Internet (Google, Yahoo) to find or gather information for online learning
  • self-motivation to learn on your own
  • plan, design and follow your own study plan
  • seek assistance when facing learning problems
  • manage time well
  • prefer not to travel to traditional face to face classes
  • you wish to study a particular course that CLET offers

When a course is completed, you will receive a Nationally Recognised Certificate, Diploma or Advanced Diploma depending on the course you have studied.

For any partially completed course, a Statement of Attainment is issued.

You will receive a digital copy of your certificate via email, and a paper copy via Registered Post within 7 days of notification from the teaching staff that you have successfully completed your studies.

If you still need further assistance, you can contact us at 1300 760 605 during business hours or email anytime.


Most of our courses do not have any formal entry requirements!

Each course page has a drop down accordion called: Entry Requirements that provides a list of entry requirements, if any, other than English language skills.

If you still need further assistance, you can contact us on 1300 760 605 during business hours or email anytime.

VET-STUDENT-LOANS are only available on selected and Government approved Diploma's and above. Many Diploma's, and ALL Certificate IV, III and II qualifications do not qualify for VET-STUDENT-LOANS with any training college.

CLET could apply to offer VET STUDENT LOANS, but simply, we choose not to for the following reasons:

  • in many cases this elevates course fees and also encourages students to enter into a debt
  • we cannot offer our landmark modern and flexible courses with NO assessment due dates under these government rules, which is a huge hit with our students
  • CLET is dedicated to provide discounted prices for our students that can be paid off during your studies using an affordable INTEREST FREE payment plan, so when you finish your course and receive your certificate you will be debt free

CLET Payment plans can be tailored to fit your individual budget.

You can contact us on 1300 760 605 during business hours or email anytime if you have any questions or would like to discuss your study budget and how we can help.


CLET Courses are from the same National Training Packages that TAFE use, however CLET courses are designed specifically with the industry (Jobs market) in mind to maximise our students employability knowledge and skills.

CLET is a registered training organisation (RTO) under the Australian Training framework, which provides us with the ability and permission to offer Nationally recognised courses.

This means CLET will provide you with exactly the same qualification/s you would receive if studied at TAFE, but because we are a private provider (not government funded), we have the freedom to be innovative and willingness to work longer hours to ensure our students study needs are met to the highest standards.

If you still need further assistance, you can contact us on 1300 760 605 during business hours or email anytime.



CLET has a number of courses that are approved for Austudy / Abstudy assistance, providing you are eligible to receive these payments.

If you need further assistance, you can contact us on 1300 760 605 during business hours or email anytime.

CLET management and staff are extremely experienced in higher education and hold Doctorates, plus many Bachelor's and Master's Degrees. See our team page for more information.

We understand there are 43 universities in Australia (40 Australian universities, two international universities, and one private specialty university - Bond University). In addition, there are many other institutions that offer higher education courses.

For this reason, we do not wish to limit our students to a small number of universities and opportunities. Instead, if a CLET student wishes to enter university using a CLET qualification, we work with them to choose the most appropriate CLET Diploma qualification or higher, that is best suited to the degree they wish to enter, at the university they wish to study with.



We do not or have never offered a free ipad or laptop or a new car to study with us.

We offer good old fashion customer service, modern and flexible online training and assessment.

We encourage everyone to study if you wish to learn new information.

If you decide to study you will driven by your own incentives.

They may include:

  • Achieving a certain job outcome
  • Career change
  • Promotion
  • Payrise
  • Professional development
  • just a will to learn something new

Go to the course page you wish to study and click on the ENROL NOW button. Click here to see the available courses. 

Then complete the course enrolment form and provide a copy of your photo ID when you get to the enrolment confirmation page.

YES Please.

When you complete your online enrolment form, you will be taken to an enrolment confirmation page where you will be asked to upload a copy of your photo ID (for example, driver's licence or passport) by dragging and dropping these files into an area provided. This will be added to your CLET Training secure student file and is a requirement to ensure our trainers and assessors can confirm your Identification during assessment activities when needed.

Each course page provides the fees and payment plans for that particular course.

See the accordion called: Study/RPL - Fees & Payments Plans for full details, plus the course brochure.


Our main goal is to ensure you are provided with EVERYTHING you need to make an informed decision about what course may best suit your needs.

You may find the relevant course information in the following areas:

  • Each course page on this CLET website - see the menu to find your course

Each course page provides you with the following information:


  • FAQ
  • Contact US


  • Description

Accordion group that includes:

  • Course Structure
  • Entry Requirements - including English requirements explained
  • Study Options
  • Work Outcome
  • Study/RPL - Fees & Payment Plans
  • Can I apply for (RPL) or Credit?
  • Technical Requirements


Course start dates and enrolment button and apply for credit of prior study button.

Learn more about this course that includes

  • Course video overview
  • More info video


  • Is this course right for me quiz
  • Student Information Booklet
  • Course Brochure
  • Enrolment Process explained
  • RPL process explained


Enquiry form

Why study with CLET video and information



  • Studying online
  • About Recognition RPL
  • Individual RPL areas
  • About CLET
  • General FAQs
  • RPL FAQs
  • Our Team
  • The Blog
  • Work with us
  • Terms and conditions
  • About the AQF
  • Unique Student Identifier (USI)
  • Testimonials
  • Coaching with substance (Charity)
  • Contact us


  • Enrolment form including payment gateway
  • RPL application
  • Request credit for prior study
  • Course enquiry
  • Contact us

Our refund policy can be found in the following areas on this website:

  • Course page - see the Student Information Booklet
  • Enrolment confirmation email - see the Student Information Booklet
  • Terms and conditions page - access via menu and footer
  • Enrolment form - terms and conditions before you hit the submit button.

Study Cloud (online study area for enrolled students):

See the course page and in particular the accordion group on each course page for this information.

The accordion group provides information on the following:

  • Course details (including fees and mode of delivery)
  • Course structure
  • Entry requirements - including English requirements explained
  • Study options
  • Work outcome
  • Study/RPL - Fees & Payment Plans
  • Can I apply for (RPL) or credit?
  • Technical requirements

You may also wish to watch the videos provided on each course page.


Read all of the information on the course page PLUS:

The Student Information Booklet and Course Brochure can be downloaded from the course page.

Terms and conditions for enrolment can be read prior to clicking on the submit button at the end of our enrolment, RPL application, or request for credit for prior study forms.

In the website menu you can find the terms and conditions page that provides the following information:

  • Complaints Policy
  • Refund Policy
  • Privacy Policy
  • Payment Plan
  • Course Change
  • Course expiry times
  • Code of Practice

Study Questions


Our trainers and student support staff are selected because of their warmth, empathic caring, and positive regard towards the success of our students. This helps to decrease study and assessment stresses and increases learning.

Once you are an enrolled student and have commenced your course, CLET provides you with many online support areas:

  • Study Cloud - provides all study and assessment resources online 24/7
  • Message Trainer – dedicated link inside each unit to message your trainers
  • General Student Support - request study, administration and accounts support
  • Library – website and video tutorials 
  • News – latest news from CLET
  • FAQ’s – common questions answered

Plus, you may contact student support during business hours via our office phone number 1300 760 605 if you would like to talk to someone.

All courses offered by the College can be studied from home, at your own pace. You are provided with login details where you will have 24/7 access to your study resources using our Online Learning Management System called Study Cloud, and enjoy 7 day a week study support from teaching staff.

Courses offered by CLET are fully flexible with no due dates. All students will commence as a full time student and after the expiration of the full time study period they will convert to the fully flexible program. This will occur automatically and students do not need to take any action. The full time study periods are as follows, and are the periods approved by Centrelink and in accordance with Government training organisations:

  • Accredited short program – 12 weeks
  • Certificate II level – 20 weeks
  • Certificate III level – 24 weeks
  • Certificate IV level – 24 weeks
  • Diploma level – 48 weeks (including Cert IV)
  • Diploma level – 40 weeks
  • Advanced Diploma level – 72 weeks

The total allocated times for completion of CLET courses are as follows:

  • Accredited short program – 12 months
  • Certificate II level – 12 months
  • Certificate III level – 24 months
  • Certificate IV level – 24 months
  • Diploma level – 24 months
  • Advanced Diploma level – 36 months
  • Traineeship programs – 36 months

Extensions are available for all CLET courses to a maximum of 3 years from commencement. Once this period is exceeded students may contact CLET staff to discuss their individual circumstances and future goals.

CLET provide all study resources online for you to access 24/7.

However, if practical activities are required in your course criteria, such as work placement, industry visits and/or timetabled workshops for you to attend, these requirements are provided on the relevant course page and as part of the questions you are required to read and answer when you complete the 'Is this course right for me' questionnaire prior to enrolment.

If it is not mentioned as a requirement on your selected course page, then your course resources are available online 24/7 and assessment tasks are completed in your own time and submitted online for marking.


All CLET qualifications and their criteria are carefully selected to allow you to complete all studies and assessments online.

The ability needed to work online has been heavily supported during the pandemic, where industries all over the world survived with their staff working from home, using online platforms to run their daily operations successfully. From this experience, the ability to work online is no longer seen as just a study option, but a necessary knowledge base and skill set needed to operate in the modern workplace.

The online resources include all study content, readings, videos, text reader, assessment instructions, and assessment submission areas that also provide teacher feedback and support, plus your study progress.

If you still need further assistance, you can contact us on 1300 760 605 during business hours or email anytime.

The pandemic has proven that the ability to use and successfully operate online is no longer a nice-to-do, but an important knowledge base and skill set needed to successfully work in the modern workplace.

Online educational software is amazing these days and there is nothing theoretical CLET can offer in a classroom that we can not offer online, and we mean nothing. If fact online offers so much more than you will receive in a classroom.

WHY? because online is modern, portable, and reliable, available 24/7 and resources easily remain up to date. In fact, RTO's willing to invest their time and financial resources into research and development to offer a good study experience online, also offer you the confidence that their staff and trainers are modern and innovative in their quest to offer a quality educational experience.

  • Online, students can ask as many questions as they wish 24/7 and have a record of the answers. All assessments are submitted easily online and feedback and marks are recorded for easy viewing. 
  • Online meetings with your trainer with just the click of a button.
  • Students access all study resources including study content, readings, videos, and website links on PC's and tablets anytime.

Another factor that not many people think about is by studying online, the student has full control over their facilities, computer, acoustics, outside noise, and lighting that all correlate with poorer academic performance if attending a poorly presented and disruptive classroom settings. Chairs with poor support hamper blood supply to the brain and impede cognition while temperatures above 25 degrees have been shown to correlate with lower reading comprehension. A more hospitable climate for learning at home can help performance by providing for the physical needs of the body. 

In addition, online study provides the student with 100% control over their nutrition and when they eat, their ability to include physical exercise and sleep well. All these have been shown to be essential to learning. 

If you still need further assistance, you can contact us on 1300 760 605 during business hours or email anytime.

There are assessments associated with each unit of competency and these may vary for each unit.. There is a combination, across the whole qualification, of written tasks using various selections of software, video and audio tasks, live assessment meetings with your trainer, online assignments, and quizzes, all submitted and completed online. They are all competency-based, which means you have the opportunity to redo tasks following feedback from markers.

Unless otherwise stated under the Course Details accordion on the course page, the whole course is completed online, and you do not need to attend any location for exams.

CLET does design live ZOOM meetings with trainers into assessments when needed,

However, any lectures and industry-related videos are offered as an edited and pre-recorded link you can watch in your own time. We do this because CLET management and staff have years of experience studying online courses with colleges and universities worldwide and have found live webinars to be a little long, and slow-moving, and we are not always available at the scheduled time.

Subsequently, CLET produces our videos and audio with the user experience in mind where we rehearse, edit and produce bite-size videos and audio files of information and then place them in the most appropriate areas of your course to guide you through the study and assessment requirements of each unit.

Yes and No.

Since 2006, CLET has been offering a positive online alternative to traditional institutions where our students can move through the course at their own pace, with no assessment due dates.

Our students are provided access to their learning resources 24/7 with the ability to study and learn content and complete assessments without the need to participate in unnecessary group work unless the course criteria ask for this to occur. 

In addition to asking CLET staff questions, students have the ability to post questions for their trainers/assessors and read other students' questions and answers provided by CLET staff inside their course online forums if the unit requires this to occur, otherwise, our students may study freely, at their pace, with no interference.

However, if a group or teamwork is a requirement, we also offer students the opportunity to apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL), credit for prior study, or complete the required tasks in their workplace or school if they prefer.



Police Applicant Questions

If you would like to prepare to be the best possible applicant and pass the selection process the FIRST TIME, CLET has helped more than 400 of our students to successfully enter policing following the completion of their CLET course, highlighting that the industry supports people who are prepared and confident.

The following is recorded on the Queensland Police Service recruitment website: 

'Policing is a diverse and varied occupation where a broad knowledge and various abilities can help in an officer’s day-to-day duties.

You are encouraged to develop your skills and knowledge through study and/or trade qualifications. Developing your skills and knowledge can assist you to prepare for the selection process, your training as a recruit, and then ‘on the road’ as a General Duties Police Officer.'

In addition, the following is feedback we received from one of our students who recently was successful in entering the Victorian Police following his completion of CLET's Diploma of Crime and Justice Studies:

'Just wanted to say thank you for all the help and advice throughout the course, I had my final interview with VicPol on Monday and I was accepted! I start training at the academy on the 17th of next month. I was able to reference sections of the investigation and interview units during my interview which I think was a big boost to my final score.'

Watch the following video!

Click here for suggested courses 

CLET Training provides people with the opportunity to study justice courses to increase their chances of success in a policing career. Our most relevant courses include our Certificate IV and Diploma of Justice Studies, both Nationally Recognised.

We have been preparing potential police applicants across Australia for 16 years and have helped over 400 of our students to become police officers.

If you have not been passing the selection process or wish to best prepare yourself, you need a deeper level of preparation which includes solid study to understand the Australian justice system and improve your computer, analytical, and literacy skills.

It is imperative that to prepare yourself correctly you should study at least Certificate IV or Diploma of Justice Studies.

Remember, the preparation you need relates to the knowledge and skills 'YOU personally need' to be successful. If the police have not stipulated that you need to study, remember that their testing is designed to discover if you can perform at a certain level to ensure you can not only pass the academy training but meet the academic demands expected of police officers. If you do not meet these standards they will deem your application NOT SUITABLE. 

When applying for the police in your State or Territory of choice ensure you check any mandatory entry requirements the police request as a minimum and then to add merit and be competitive you need to be the best prepared that you personally can be.


Support and Progression


This question is asked in two locations:

  • Enrolment form
  • Pre-course self-assessment (as part of the online student orientation)

You have the opportunity to explain any health concerns or learning challenges you have experienced, or that you are just rusty and have not studied for a long time or never studied online. Whatever your concern CLET staff will be happy to assist where ever possible. 

If we cannot assist, we may be able to recommend other organisations.

Of course!

At CLET we work very hard with and for our students and prefer to discuss any issues or concerns so they can be resolved quickly and easily. In many of our courses, we cover good communication skills and how to manage conflict, so we would like to think this is practiced by all CLET staff and students as well.

We have a general support area where you have access to our student support, accounts, and administration staff, and you may message your trainers anytime you have a question or request assistance. Plus you may ring us during business hours at 1300 760 605 for answers to any questions or concerns you may have.

However, if for some reason you are just not satisfied with something, you may make a formal complaint to management.

It is our experience that this is seldom necessary as management is very hands-on at CLET and monitors staff and student performance daily. But this facility is available if you deem it necessary and CLET will then follow our complaints policy and procedure to resolve your concern.

Click on the following link to view our complaints policy and access the complaint form you must complete: Terms and Conditions

The support offered to our students is comprehensive and can be accessed in many ways.

Using our general support inside our Online Study Cloud (study area) you may send messages and requests to our student support, accounts and administration staff 24/7, who will provide you with an answer during business hours.

Study Cloud itself offers the following 24/7:

  • ALL study resources are provided and available 24/7 online
  • Message your trainer from inside each unit
  • Receive and participate in forum posts when provided
  • General support area - send questions/requests anytime
  • Library - important industry websites and video tutorials
  • FAQ area - with common questions answered
  • Phone Support - discuss your questions over the phone
  • Audio and Video instructions embed into each unit area from trainers and support
  • Read Speaker - a tool that will read any selected text in any language and look at the meaning of a word you select
  • Search Bar - search for what you are looking for easily
  • Progress Report - request a course progress report from administration
  • Student Dashboard - a personal student dashboard that provides all unit areas and completion progress 
  • Receive the latest new updates in your dashboard
  • SMS notification when a message from CLET Staff is sent to you
  • SMS notification when an assignment has been marked

CLET's online Study Cloud offers so much more than will be provided in any traditional classroom, and it is available 24/7.

To make the most of your online learning experience, there are several technical requirements you will need to fulfill. To successfully participate in a CLET course, you will need one or more devices (PC, laptop, tablet) with an Internet connection, camera (webcam) speakers, and a microphone.

You will also need access to Microsoft Office software or similar to complete some assessment tasks.

In addition, up-to-date windows and Mac operating systems are recommended, plus the latest PDF reader.

It is essential to you have the latest Chrome or Safari browser available. These are the two preferred browsers compatible with our online technology used for your course.

As a student, if technical assistance is required, you are provided with a technical support link in the footer of Study Cloud that allows you to check that your computer system is up-to-date and/or send a request using the form provided.

If you go to the accordion group on any course page and open the 'Technical Requirements' accordion, you can 'check your system' before enrolling.

We have provided information on support services in many locations:

This Website:

  • Course page - see student support inside course details
  • Course page - technical requirements
  • Course page - enrolment and RPL processes explained
  • Course page: Student information booklet and course brochure
  • Course page - Is this course right for me self assessment
  • FAQ's
  • Send course enquiry
  • Complete contact us form and phone 1300 760 605 during business hours
  • Videos - course overview, more information and student behaviour

Study Cloud:

  • Course induction and overview area - available following enrolment, but prior to course commencement
  • General Student Support - access student support, administration, and accounts including technical support
  • Trainers - send a message

CLET has been researching, learning, investing, and designing online study options since 2006. 

Our online Study Cloud is a software designed to deliver courses online to allow our students to study with a stress-free learning experience, where they can easily work their way through each unit of study, at their own pace.

All study content is written by Australia's leading industry experts and available online in a format that is easy to follow, consistent across all units of study, and available 24/7. This includes all assessment instructions and benchmarks, with online assessment submission areas and trainer/assessor feedback for each task

At CLET, we encourage you to seek out information and answers to your study and assessment questions, using Study Cloud, your trainers, the internet, our support staff, and industry when needed. Because a positive adult learning environment is about discovery. 

Discovery when studying online means:

  • Use all the study and support resources provided
  • You have self-motivation to get the work done
  • You consider all units suggested study plan and make any adjustments to suit your individual time requirements
  • You take responsibility for ‘your’ progress through the course and set weekly tasks as part of your study plan
  • You accept the challenge of learning something new
  • You seek to read and analyse the information and assessment instructions provided, making notes on your findings
  • You message your trainer when you have a question
  • You use the General Support to submit requests and questions
  • You are driven to complete what you started

Just as it is in life, if you accept the challenge and embrace the power of learning, the doors will more than likely open in your own personal growth and employment opportunities.

CLET provides a flexible online study platform that is available 24/7 with no assessment due dates. Together with our staff who are at the ready to answer your questions and provide assistance when requested, the ‘success’ part is there for the taking!

Marketing and Recruitment


CLET does not employ ANY third-party organisations to conduct marketing or recruitment for our courses.

CLET conducts our own marketing using the following avenues:

  • CLET Website - this includes Google search results
  • CLET Social Media - Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • Government course and employment websites
  • Industry Journals
  • Attends industry conferences
  • Industry webinars/workshops when requested
  • Sponsorship of industry charities


Our courses are designed to provide you with certain knowledge and skills required by each particular training package.

Training packages are designed and developed in consultation with individual industry bodies to ensure that the knowledge and skills covered best prepare graduates with opportunities to seek employment (if they wish to) in a certain area/s.

Of course, like with any employment, if you have a qualification relevant to that position, the more suitable your application presents, possibly helping you to be more competitive.

By completing a particular course relevant to a particular job outcome proves you have an interest in that industry and the ability to learn industry information.  This then has the potential for you to perform at a higher level in the selection process.

In addition, this arms you with the knowledge and skills to present with more confidence during an interview and any employment testing (if required).

Of Course!

All information provided on this website is accurate at the time it is published and updated when we become aware of any changes.

The course structure, including course and unit codes and names are listed as per the training package design requirements and unit descriptions come directly from the government website.

All course pages provide comprehensive information on each course, plus PDF course brochures and a student information handbook.

We are a Registered Training Organisation in Australia. Our RTO legal name is College for Law and Justice Administration Pty Ltd as trustee for the Martin/Williams Family Trust.

However, our current trading name is CLET Training (previously known as College for Law Education and Training (CLET)).

All certificates are issued under CLET Training.

Click here to view our registration on the (Government) website.

Our RTO registration number is #31254

You can view our name in both the header and footer of this website, the login page and in the header and footer of our online Study Cloud.

Course Completion

There are a few ways to answer this question.

Before enrolment be sure to consider what area you wish to study and what outcome you would like to achieve.

Possible outcomes include:

  • Learn about a subject of interest
  • Return to work
  • Change employment
  • Prepare for university
  • Promotion at work or Professional Development
  • Satisfy employment selection criteria

Research the industry you wish to seek employment in for any mandatory educational requirements or knowledge and skills needed to achieve employment in that area.

Then select the course that you believe best suits this outcome by reading through the information on the course page and in particular the course details and course structure. Then complete the 'Is this course right for me' self-assessment further down the page. Once you have analysed everything, you may enrol if you are confident it meets your needs. Otherwise, you may wish to send us any questions using the contact us page or call 1300 760 605 during business hours.

Once you have enrolled, CLET Training will provide you with access to our online Study Cloud where you can work through your course material and complete assessments, all with the flexibility of online, 24/7.

If, while working through the course you decide it is not going to meet your work, career, or study needs, you may request a transfer to another CLET course that may be better suited for no additional fees.


At CLET, our vision is to be one of the most respected training organisations in Australia and internationally, helping our students and our communities to prosper and grow. 


  • To lead in the quality provision of flexible training and assessment
  • To generate knowledge and skills development at all levels
  • To enhance e-learning and achieve outcomes in an international Internet environment
  • To develop students intellectually and personally
  • To prepare students effectively for career and job outcomes

We do not just say it, we work 7 days a week to offer it.

Here is one testimonial that supports what we say:

'I am loving the study and CLET is certainly the most professional colleges/RTO's I have studied at - it's a breath of fresh air in a sea of poor/average providers! I was an Executive Member of the WA Training Accreditation Council so I do have an idea about what makes a great college/RTO.' 

Michelle Gianatti

The one thing we can promise is, at CLET we will give our best at all times..


Following on from the question: How can I progress successfully through my course?

For you to successfully complete any formal course of study there are a few key requirements for you to be aware of, these are:


  • You will be required to pay fees, are you prepared to adjust your budget to achieve that outcome. To look at this in a positive way, you are investing in achieving an outcome for yourself and your future - WOW!


  • You will be required to access your study material online via our Study Cloud
  • You will be required to submit assessments online
  • You will be required to access support online or via phone


  • It is important for you to have a good understanding of the outcome you wish to achieve, the purpose for the study
  • You will then need to have the drive and commitment to dedicate to achieving that outcome
  • You will be required to move around your weekly schedule to fit in your study
  • You will be required to read, analyse information that will be unfamiliar to you - this can be very rewarding and enjoyable
  • You will be required to study for and complete a variety of different assessment tasks. These also provide an amazing sense of achievement
  • You may be required to ask questions of trainers and CLET administration and accounts staff
  • You will need to think where you will study and what environment best suits your personal study technique / style


  • You will need to have access to a modern computer, that can include a PC, iMac or laptop and/or tablet
  • You will need an Internet connection
  • You will need to have Microsoft Office software installed on your computer
  • You will need your PC to have speakers, a web cam and microphone (iMac, laptops and tablets have these built in)


  • To help you through your study journey, support is available inside Study Cloud 24/7 and via phone during business hours. You can utilise these features if you wish.

You may study your course as fast or as slow as you wish.

See the Course Details area on your selected course page and find: Maximum Course Completion Time. Most courses are set at 2 years completion time, but at CLET we do allow for an additional 12 months if you need it.

Learning with CLET

Life-long learning refers to a continuous and ongoing process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and experiences throughout one's life. It is an approach to education and personal development that emphasises the importance of continuous learning and growth, regardless of age or circumstances. The idea behind life-long learning is that in today's rapidly changing world, it's necessary to continuously adapt and improve oneself in order to stay relevant and competitive in both personal and professional contexts.

Learning is important for several reasons:

  1. Personal growth: Learning enables individuals to expand their knowledge, develop new skills and abilities, and grow as individuals.
  2. Career advancement: In today's rapidly changing job market, continuous learning is necessary for career advancement and staying competitive.
  3. Problem-solving: Learning helps individuals develop the ability to solve problems, think critically and creatively, and make informed decisions.
  4. Improved cognitive function: Engaging in learning activities has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory and critical thinking skills.
  5. Personal fulfilment: Learning can provide a sense of personal fulfilment, accomplishment, and satisfaction.
  6. Enhanced understanding of the world: Learning about different cultures, perspectives, and ways of life can increase one's understanding and appreciation of the world.

Overall, learning is a key aspect of personal and professional development and is essential for a fulfilling and successful life.

Over the last couple of decades, many products have been designed that claim to make learning instantaneous, but none of them work, WHY?

Because if you want to learn something, you have to devote time and effort to it. There is no free lunch!

However, if you wish to devote your time to learning something, there is a way to organise your time to enhance your memory for the things you have learnt.

The secret is called 'spacing'. Put simply, break up your study/practice sessions into smaller sessions and spread them over a longer time span, instead of cramming them into one long session. Cramming may work in the short term, however, it impairs the long term memory of the material and does nothing for the transfer of skills.

At CLET, our suggestion to our students is to break up a 3-hour study session into 3 one-hour sessions over 3 days. This can work with any learning. By doing this you can expect to enhance learning, memory and performance.

CLET online study is designed to allow students to 'space out' their learning over time and at their own pace. We have found this more beneficial than using the traditional classroom model where information is crammed into a set period of time when everyone is expected to learn at the teacher's pace and not their own. 

Since 2006, CLET has been offering our students a modern, flexible and autonomous digital learning online study environment we call Study Cloud.

Instead of a traditional one curriculum, one-paced classroom environment, CLET Study Cloud offers our students the opportunity to explore ideas and concepts using multimedia where they can figure things out for themselves. CLET training and support staff are on hand to offer feedback while students are encouraged to FEEL FREE of fear of making mistakes, where they can develop and construct their own knowledge.

'A stressed student does not learn well. We give them time to absorb the information and encourage them to be curious by providing them with the opportunity to learn in multiple ways and repetition' ~ Allen Williams

Because CLET's digital learning philosophy incorporates guided 'learner autonomy', our focus since our registration has been to design a safe learning environment that supports the learning process, with a focus on our student's wellbeing. Their learning is self-directed and independent, providing them with the necessary tools and visual communications needed to work through the study material at their own pace. This, together with CLET's student support and training staff who act as auxiliary facilitators, provides the full package for the independence of the 21st-century student who seek out knowledge for themselves instead of relying on trainers to spoon-feed them course material. This way students decide when and how they learn by creating their own study schedule. 

Our staff combined, have over 100 years work experience, over 50's year's training experience and Certificate IV's, Diploma's and Bachelor Degrees in Adult and Vocational Education and truly lead the way in dedication and commitment to our students. CLET understands the importance of preparing our students to work autonomously who will then be more capable than non-autonomous peers in critical thinking and problem-solving.

CLET achieves this through our flexible digital online course design, delivering all course resources 24/7 in one easy to access online location where students are encouraged to develop these skills, in their own time, with NO assessment due dates. This provides the learner with a much greater level of control, where their study and assessment activities and completion times are initiated by them according to their unique work, family and personal commitments. No travel time, no bullying, no boring classes, no restrictions, just learning!

CLET has found our students who have permission to work through their course material and assessments autonomously have the potential to build a higher level of confidence to carry their independent critical thinking (separating facts from opinion and spotting illogic) and learning capabilities with them into their personal and working lives, making them more employable and capable adults who take responsibility for their decision making and ownership of their achievements.

'Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence'. ~ Abigail Adams

At CLET we understand that all learners are all different and each of you will take away what you want from a learning experience with us. Our learning goal is for ALL students to achieve a permanent change in knowledge or behaviour as a result of experience!

How do we know that learning has occurred? This is where assessment comes into it!

The strength of CLET lies in the real life experience that, combined with almost 25 years of teaching, allows the CLET team to inspire and motivate students. With a fully flexible study program designed to accommodate all aspects of a busy life, CLET leads the way in adapting study to the needs of students in the 21st century.

We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of technology, delivering comprehensive training and assessment using online resources inside our Study Cloud with access to their learning 24/7 on PC, Mac, and tablets.

External learning is now a very popular method of attaining quality education. It affords students significantly more flexibility (i.e. students can work full time and study), without compromising on high quality education.


Student focused and works naturally with independent study

There is a combination across our qualifications of written tasks, audio/video tasks, online assignments, online quizzes, and practical or simulated scenarios and case studies conducted live using our real-time meeting software. Click here to learn more about how we assess.

CLET courses are studied online from your home or work, and you do not need to attend any location for exams. Students are provided with one unit at a time and once they are competent, they can move on to the next unit.

The following myths have existed in the general community for many years, but they are not supported by neuroscientists who study the brain and how we learn. Some examples are:

  1. We only use 10% of our brain - myth
  2. People are left or right-brained - myth
  3. Teaching to a student's learning style will enhance learning - myth

Why do these myths exist? One answer is that they are comfortable and science and technology have improved in the last decade to provide us with more answers and a better understanding of how we now learn. If you like graphs and visual things, you can call yourself a visual learner, and am comfortable learning that way. This is great, but a good learning environment must be a dynamic and content-rich environment that challenges our brains to build and strengthen our neural pathways (the ability to send signals from one part of the brain to another.)

With this information, CLET staff do not misinform our students or design our course content or deliver our courses using any of these myths, instead, we use genuine evidence to inform our training practices.

Multiple inputs (ways we learn) = more connections (in the brain) = better learning

Learning is about processing and occurs best when it requires effort, so learning is not achieved by making it easy.

Why CLET Training?


  • RPL team leader is Dr Kate Martin
  • Assessing service personnel since 2006
  • RPL assessors understand civilian requirements 
  • RPL assessors degree and industry qualified
  • Modern interactive online RPL application process
  • Apply online 365 days a year
  • Securely upload your workplace evidence online
  • RPL assessment is obligation free
  • Nationally Recognised Qualifications
  • Low fees and flexible payment plans

Why study with CLET?

  • Offering online gap training for experienced workers
  • Nationally Recognised Courses
  • Study 365 days a year
  • CLET's online system is called Study Cloud
  • Interactive online study and Assessments
  • Study resources available 24/7
  • No assessment due dates - study at your pace
  • Flexible payment plans
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  • Online/Phone and ZOOM Student Support

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